Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Doubt Writing Prompts


Well like all people you are mostly influenced by those you live with you, in my case it would be my parents and siblings. Every person has a different view of the world so therefore I believe you are somewhat disillusioned. You believe what your parents believe about the world, that is until you realize its your choice and that is when your view becomes YOUR view. You doubt what your parents say, you doubt what your textbooks say, and "intelligent" people say. The assumptions of scientists and others can change your concept of the world.


Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence, and then identify how you know the answers. Are you relying on direct observation? Intuition? Heresay? Other sources? Why are you so sure about the answer? Or are you uncertain?

What color are your mother's eyes?
Hazel, I've seen her eyes therefore its based solely on observation.

Whom do you trust?
Mostly my parents and close friends.

What color is the ocean?

The ocean is blue. That is just intuition though, everyone has seen it and you will always say blue.

Is there life after death?

I believe in life after death. Not on observation or intuition but my faith in the Lord and also in his written word.

Is it always wrong to steal?

I believe it is, but then again I like to have my heart stolen haha :P

Is there life on other planets?

Some people make me really think that there is. I'm not totally sure, who is to say there is not? Just because we dont think its "suitable" to live on other planets the other life may be made for that planet!

Monday, March 8, 2010



One movie I've seen that said it was based on a true story was Paranormal Activity. After

reading this I looked at the movie in a more critical way. Asking myself, "Could this really

happen." The movie is a documentary about a lady who had been possessed or followed by a

demon. Her husband is caught into the story as the had just moved into a new house. After

reading it was true story, it made the movie somewhat scarier than if I knew that it was fiction.

If i knew it was then I would not have been as scared.

Writing Prompt 2

I would definitely not tell the next student that some parts were not true, just so they would feel the

same way as me reading the story. I would make sure they "picked up on" that O'Brien was the

author but also the narrator and soldier in the story. It is kind if hard to understand just reading

one time, I would recommend reviewing each chapter with the class or another student. I would

tell the next students to reread sections and analyze to understand the story better.

Some people say Rainy River is boring, but I really enjoyed it. I think I like it because alot of
important things set up the story. WE get a "sneak peek" of O'Briens life before war. When He was
contemplating whether He should go to war or not after he recieves a draft notice.He is also trying
to decide if He should go flee the country and go to Canada to avoid the draft.I understand him
feeling his life was being taking away from him because He would be in a different country
fighting with the chance his life could be taken away from him.Later I find out that all the stories
in this Chapter are not true, which UPSETS me hahal. I felt as though I was lied to!!


"On The Rainy River"

-O'Brien cannot decide if He should go to war. He only goes to make his family "proud" He wanted to flee to Canada to avoid the war.

- He is a young person, and has a youthful perspective on life. Like most young people think, "too young to die". Being in war changes his perspective.

-O'Brien like myself was very indecisive. Nost of decisions he made someone guided him are led him to making a decision. The old man brings O'Brien close to the Canadian border. Someone is always pushing him towards a decision, it's never him.

"The Ghost Soldiers"

-Being at war in Vietnam made Tim O'Brien made him grow up, and make decisions as before He could not decide to go to war or flee.

- O'Brien has no feelings. Hes neither sad, proud, nor scared. He justs exists because his emotions are cut off by war.

-Tim O'Brien becomes untouched by the lifestyle of war. He knows humans cause death and the warzone no longer affects him. O'Brien and his platoon become like brothers. They make bonds that cannot be broken.


I think everyone has a different view of what "truth" is. Depending on what you faced in life your

less likely to accept everything someone says to you as truth. One may question or not believe at all.

The there are sone who believe everything you say, they are gullible. True war stories are not really

about war, there more about the emotions that come. So by that criteria I believe it is a true war

story. I would recommend this book to anyone, I think it is a good read!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

O'Brien changes..

In "On The Rainy River" Tim O'Brien was contemplating whether he should go to war,both the author and the character. The author did not actually go to Canada he spent this time playing golf(which would definetely not be interesting to read about) O'Brien was frightened and was not sure what decision He should make. His whole frightened and soft side faded in "The Ghost Soldiers". He describes to the readers the pain that came with being shot. Where He used to be concerned in doing the right thing O'Brien changed. Maybe it was the cruelty of war that made him lose sight of doing the right thing. He felt this great need to get revenge on a fellow soldier. He was mistreated by Jorgenson and that could have led to the evil that came out of him.

Story Vs Essay

When I view a movie that says "based on a true story" I wonder could that really happen or I may be more critical. I watched Paranormal Activity, which states that it is based on a true story. The movie was ok, but I am very skeptical if the things actually happened. I do believe that there are spirits both good and bad, but like most movies some things are added in for dramatic effect. There are some VERY interesting and unbelievable things that happen in real life but there are also producers that understand that people need to see stuff that excited them!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


We encounter irony almost everyday. When I was in fifth grade I was madly in love with a highschool boy. Everytime I saw him I would just melt and just stare at him. He was one of my brother's friend and they thought it was funny. He would always give me a hug and say hey. The irony of the story is this same guy sent me a message telling me how much I have grown up and how He'd love to hang out with me! All I could do was laugh at how ironic it was because I was so infatuated with him and now he wanted to hang out.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Things Carried:)

Things I carry:
1. Chapstick
2. Cell phone
4. Keys
5. Purse
6. Water

All the items are special to me, but not necessarily needed. The one I would pick for survival would be my water. I love to drink water and well duh its necessary to life. My chapstick is important in the cold weather. Although my cellphone isn't really necessary to life but without it I feel disconnected from the world. If a person were to look in my purse they would be like wow what is all this?! My purse is somewhat messy but its perfect to me :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Its a new semester YaY :) hopefully it runs as smoothly as last semester !